Life, Culture and Travels from the perspective of a Cuban
Buena Vista Park on a drizzly day

The weather is changing radically in SF. Unlike Toronto, the leaves did not turn red, the snow is not about to come but the wind is stronger and the cloudy afternoons are now more common.

Today we went up Buena Vista Park. It was about time as we live very close and have walked around the park many times but never made it all the way up to the top. The climbing was easy since they have a paved road and also a few trails with stairs. You could see a neighbour with a dog or two every few minutes, other than that we owned the hill! 🙂

The park has many trees which have been planted in the last century. SF area was not always a place full of trees, like we see it nowadays. Everywhere you go there is always a story about the effort of the citizens in keeping the green spaces.

Once up on the top it started to drizzle. We also had plans to go to Twin Peaks but instead thought it was a good idea to make our way down and find a cafe to sit down and keep ourselves warm and dry.

On our way to the busier part of the city we passed by Mount Olympus (Upper Terrace) and one more time I felt so envious about SF houses and their prettiness. The streets were clean, all the houses were painted, the little gardens arranged. Am I ever going to see Havana houses and buildings so beautiful? The view was stunning and the gray sky made it perfect for photos.

Although the walk was lovely and my little umbrella was perfect for the starting rain the best part about autumn showers is entering a coffee place and ordering a hot drink right before the heavy rain begins and just looking out the window… while the city becomes wet and shiny.

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