Now that the fall has come and the rainy days are more often in Paris we have to look for more entertainment indoors. Plus, we cannot leave the city without seeing its music scene at least one night. Last night was the night. We went to L’Alimentation Generale for a jazz concert. This is a […]
I have been going to the Qee centre in Paris for over a month. I was looking for yoga classes and a friend gave me their website since she had been attending to prenatal yoga classes there. The place is only a few stops away by metro from where I am staying in Montmartre and I also was […]

Yesterday we took velibs from Montmartre to La Villette. A few people recommended to visit this huge park built in the 80’s, connected to the St Martin Channel and great for outdoor exercising. Unlike the usual French park, (cutely planned spaces with sculptures and perfectly trimmed gardens) La Villete enthralls you in a more modern […]

All the museums in Paris are free every first Sunday of the month. Yesterday, we took advantage of it and visited the Modern Art Museum (Pompidou Centre or Beaubourg Centre). I have to admit that the first time I looked at the building’s architecture I thought it was odd and it is indeed very unusual […]

I have finally visited the Louvre! Since I am going to be in Paris for another month I know I will be visiting the Louvre museum several times so I registered with the Société des Amis du Louvre, a great option if you are interested in going often, without spending the whole day there. The […]
I got wonderful news! One of my dear friends from Havana is travelling to Germany (Dusseldorf) to work and he might be coming to Paris to visit us for a few days. I am so excited! Nothing is defined yet but the sole idea of meeting him in France and going around museums, cathedrals and […]

I normally do not complain about unpleasant things around me like loud music/people or filthy streets or having a poor quality lunch. Because I grew up in Havana, my complaints are very different from the first world ones. I am “trained” to not to get obsessed about buying a new purse or the latest anti […]
The 8:57 am train left Paris Gare de Lyon on time. The traject to the city of Lyon shows a pretty French countryside. The trip felt longer since everyone was quietly sleeping… not me, as usual. I was one of the few people who got to enjoy the exuberant trees, the bodies of water and […]

I believe our Torontonian – Parisian friend would choose Lyon as his second favourite French city, the first one being Paris, of course. He might not agree with me if he reads this but he has been talking about Lyon since he first visited in 2004, and telling us about his food experience, in particular. […]

A big reason to love France and to begin working out as soon as possible: FOOD! I particularly like crepes and since I got to Paris I have bought them both at street stands and creperies. Tonight we went to Creperie Josselin, a great endroit for crepes and cider. They do not seem to have […]
Yesterday we had our first picnic by the riviere, the first one out of many this summer, I am sure. A friend proposed to meet on the south bank, between the Pont de Sully and Pont d’Austerlitz as there is a nice space with grass around that area. We got there around 7:30pm with a […]

Air Transat notified us in Toronto that the plane was not going to leave at the scheduled time. After a five hour delayed flight we arrived safely in Paris. I managed to sleep a bit thanks to an empty seat beside me. I was so happy to be able to return to Paris after almost […]