The Canadian passport gave me the freedom I had always wanted. Since I became a citizen and applied for it, I have crossed borders and traveled the world without worries. I have been welcomed in Spain with a smile, a stamp and no questions (when only a year before I had gone through the long […]

Private business are notably flourishing in Cuba, particularly in the most touristic areas. Places in Convertible Pesos (for tourists or Cubans who somehow can afford them): On my November trip to Cuba I spent some time discovering new places and also wondering how the owners manage to open and to run certain restaurants or bars […]

1) Para mi asombro y decepción, el reggaeton ha llegado hasta lo más profundo para despertar la creatividad de algunos cubanos. Si no has oÃdo la canción del loco sexual pues ya sabes que tienes que actualizarte. Otra frase que se puede encontrar en los almendrones es “Quimba pa’ que suene!” 2) Este cartel […]
Sucu Sucu (or Sucu Suco) was born in mid 19th century on Isle of Youth, Cuba. This rhythm, similar to son montuno, was created in a farm called La Tumbita, close to what we know as  Santa Fe town now. When I visited Cuba in November, I brought with me the CD “Mongo Rives y […]
I left the store with FOUR sweaters. A coworker told me on Friday that there was an extra 50% off on sale items at the Eaton Centre’s Forever 21 and for $25.00 I got a bunch of clothes that I do not really need. I did not realize (I ignored it, apparently) this until I […]

Once more we come back to Canada for the holidays. The year 2012 has been an eventful one for us and we are still trying to decide if we will travel more in 2013 or if it is time to settle and go back to what people call “real life”. I guess we will have […]

If I had only one adjective to describe the Emirates I would probably choose the word “unreal”. There are so many things about the country and its culture that are alien to me that I think I would need a long time there to understand or to at least analyze why things are and function […]

Hong Kong is an formidable place for all types of food, maybe that is why the town is like an endless kitchen, always smelling like fresh food or sometimes just stinky tofu. I can’t stop trying new main dishes, snacks and desserts and every time I am about to try something new I am afraid […]

It takes 30 minutes and 20 HK dollars ($2.60 CAN/US) to get to Lamma Island by ferry. A quick metro ride to Central station and a short walk to Pier #4, where the Lamma ferries exit, assured us a outstanding afternoon on HK’s third biggest island. When we arrived at the Sok Kwu Wan pier […]

We came back from spending four days in Beijing with two friends. We smoothly flew there and back with DragonAir. On Friday afternoon, I left HK with a small backpack and a list of things to do. Although Beijing is a big city with a lof of places to see I was happy enough to […]

The more I see Hong Kong the more I love it. All the different districts have so much to offer! Today we went to Sai Kung with our HK friend. The streets were particularly busy because it was a holiday (Chung Yeung Festival). Everyone seemed to be out hiking, picnicking and of course, eating. There […]

It takes 70 minutes from Jordan station to Shek O beach by public transportation. In little more than an hour you can be in a warm and stunning Hong Kong beach. The double-decker bus ride itself shows a nice view of the rocky mountains and the blue ocean. The popular area is crowded on weekends […]