Almost 10 minutes of amazing music. Thanks to all the people sharing pictures and videos of the unique event that took place in Toronto’s Koerner Hall on October, 20th, 2012.
Now that the fall has come and the rainy days are more often in Paris we have to look for more entertainment indoors. Plus, we cannot leave the city without seeing its music scene at least one night. Last night was the night. We went to L’Alimentation Generale for a jazz concert. This is a […]
Last night we got two unexpected free tickets to go to Yoshi’s on Filmore St. Our neighbours’ friend had won two tickets on the radio and could not make it to the show of the Texan flautist Bobbi Humphrey. We had never heard of  this artist before but we rapidly changed our gym plans to […]

Speaking about him, Pablo Milanes has said: “Without a doubt he is the best of his generation in Cuba. His voice, his personal style, his music, alongside the musical vanguard of the continent, his images and his lyrics in general make him one of the most solid young artists on the current Cuban scene.†Raul […]