Life, Culture and Travels from the perspective of a Cuban
Categories: Musicians

The more I listen to Roberto Fonseca’s CD “Yo” the more I like it.  With this work, he touches the Afro Cuban music grounds in a way that no matter where I am on the planet, the sound of the music puts me back in Havana in a second.

Fonseca and his band are touring France at the moment but they do not seem to have a show scheduled in Paris these days. I have been wanting to go see him live for a while but in the meantime I am enjoying his rhythm listening or watching him on Youtube from time to time. When we plays the piano, he is always full of energy and passion so I can imagine the greatness of seeing him on stage.

I think that my favourite theme in this cd is the  one called “80’s”. Lots of fun and movement. I imagined myself being on a summer party with this music as besides the Afro Cuban sounds he experiments with electronica. Now that I am alone at home I can play the cd over and over again.

Good job, Fonseca!



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