Life, Culture and Travels from the perspective of a Cuban
The Cuban – Canadian moves south for a while…
Categories: Trips

Ok, as people like to say: the cat is out of the bag! My crazy man and I are going to San Francisco in September. Right after the Burn all I will have for a while is a suitcase and a backpack full of basic stuff, a laptop and I guess the bike that I will purchase to move around at Burning Man.

I am loving it but at the same time there is a LOT to do. Cleaning up a whole apartment after almost 5 years, selling everything we can, sorting clothes, books, papers and packing all kind of little things that have sentimental value it is definitely time consuming. At the same time, friends are visiting the city, there are tons of festivals and recreative options around the T-dot and of course, the real summer  is HERE which means beautiful weather has finally arrived, Cuban style.

This Sunday was officially Day 1. I just filtered all my books in Spanish and put aside many of them for donations. I wish I could send those books to Cuba since they are completely new and authors like Atxaga and Almudena Grandes are difficult to find over there. But I hope someone will enjoy them.

I have to be wise with the things I am keeping. It is unbelievable the amount of unnecessary things you could collect in 5 years. My rule is: if I have not touched it in four seasons it is not necessary. I even have clothes that I brought from Havana and have not touched since then. I am sure I do not own much, but I cannot pack my clothes in one suitcase…Maybe my shoes I could…:)

Day 2 will be destined to clean the closet. This is only the beginning but I am so excited!!!

The plan is to be back in Toronto for Christmas. In 2012, we do not know what this Rite of Passage will bring. 😉

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